Obligatory Hello World
I've finally started this blog. Been in the works since 2022 and now it's finally here.
So hello there! This is my first article on this blog. It's been a long time as well. I think during French class in 8th grade I started working on the design for this website. There's been so much I've learnt since then. I couldn't even begin to list the events that happened in the last 3 years.
The most important thing I learnt, something that'll stick with me forever (I hope), is that you never achieve perfection on the first try. Some of the reasons why this website took so long is because I was so obsessed with perfecting the exact design of this page. But you can only really learn from your mistakes if you aren't afraid to make them.
This website was originally going to be a full-stack website with every damn feature known to mankind 3 years ago. But through the process of trying, failing, (procrastinating for months on end), and doing some research, I tempered my visions with a large dose of reality.
It wasn't until Hack Club did an event that I had the motivation to finish this website. At that point, I was concerned with looks but not perfection. I wanted to push something, to send out some sort of product. It wasn't by any means my best work, but it was a work I was able to push out there and get some feedback on. I used that feedback to make the website better, and used the rewards from that event to buy a domain.
Coming back to the point though, if you aim for something unrealistic, you'll land in development hell. When you set a realistic goal to push something you're proud of, you'll have a product that others can judge and give you feedback on. You'll have a product you yourself can introspect and change if you need to.
I hope to work on a lot of stuff in the coming future, and I hope for this blog to document all of it. And I hope you, the reader, enjoy the random introspections. Probably not this article, but all the others.